
Everspring Lamp holder

Artikelnummer: EVR_AN145
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The Everspring Lamp holder allows controlling an electrical load both wirelessly via Z-Wave and locally using the ON-/OFF button on the device.

After the module is included into the controllers Z-Wave network, the lamp can be switched ON/OFF by every associated device in the network.

Pressing the ON/OFF button on the device will control directly the ON/OFF status of the connected incandescent lamp without using the wireless controller.

This lamp holder is designed for 100W incandescent lamps and energy saving bulbs with a maximum load of 27W.

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Controller Status Kommentar
ZNet Lite V2 Enheten fungerar helt och hållet
RaZberry Enheten fungerar helt och hållet
Home Center HC3 Enheten fungerar helt och hållet i HC2 och HCL
Zipabox Enheten fungerar helt och hållet