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Times Microwave Systems LMR-900 lösmeterkablage
Lagersaldo: 90st Datablad
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Detta är en Times Microwave Systems LMR-900-DB originalkablage.
LMR-400 cable is a Flexible Low Loss Communications Coaxial cable, supplied in any length – manufactured by Times Microwave Systems and available from McGill Microwave – Authorised Distributor of all Times Microwave products.
LMR-400 Coaxial cable is the most popular product within the Times Microwave LMR coaxial cable range. The LMR range is recognised globally as the industry standard ultra low loss, flexible, low cost, lightweight, DC – 6GHz coaxial cable solution for many RF applications. This is also backed up by the best warranty and technical support in the business.
Why choose LMR-400?
LMR-400 is an extremely popular coaxial cable in the industry due to its excellent reliability, unsurpassed flexibility and ultra low attenuation. The LMR-400 cable has loss figures comparable to the extremely rigid corrugated coaxial cables however manages to achieve similar flexibility to that of high loss RG Cables. LMR-400 is around 40% lower attenuation than RG-8, RG 213, RG 214 and 9913 Air-Dielectric type Cables.
How is the LMR-400 low loss figures achieved?
This is achieved due to the cable construction specifications. The centre conductor uses a high conductivity, Bare copper clad covered aluminium centre conductor material. The dielectric is nitrogen injected, foamed, closed cell, Polyethylene which helps achieve 84% Velocity of Propagation. The Dielectric has a Aluminium foil outer conductor, which is chemically bonded on to it. Due to the cable construction, The attenuation is significantly lower as compared to single shielded coaxial cables: RF shielding of LMR-400 is > 90 db as compared to 40 dB for RG8.
Outer Jacket
All standard LMR coaxial cable comes with a UV resistant, PE Jacket. This helps to ensure the cable jacket can withstand harsh outside environments and UV rays from sunlight, this is designed to last for up to 20 years of outdoor service.
Frequency Operating Band
LMR-400 is designed to operate excellent from DC – 6GHz. For any frequency band at VHF and above LMR is the obvious choice.
Should you find your RF system operates at above 1GHz, LMR is once again, your best option, as RG cable typically isn’t compatible with any frequency in excess of 1GHz.
LMR-400 Flexible Low Loss Communications Coaxial Cable is ideal for:
- Drop-in replacement with up to 40% Lower Attenuation for RG-8 , RG 213 ,RG 214 and 9913 Air-Dielectric type Cables
- Jumper Assemblies in Wireless Communications Systems
- Short Antenna Feeder runs
- 3G or 4G repeaters
- Radio antennas or receivers
- VSAT Applications
Attenuation dB figures per 100m
30 MHz : 2.2dB
50 MHz : 2.9dB
150 MHz : 5.0dB
220 MHz : 6.1dB
450 MHz : 8.9dB
900 MHz : 12.8dB
1500 MHz : 16.8dB
2500 MHz : 22.2dB
Temperature range: -40⁰C – +85⁰C
Inner Conductor: Solid BCCAI (2.74mm)
Dielectric: Foam PE (7.24mm)
Outer conductor: Aluminium tape (7.39mm)
Overall Braid: Tinned copper (8.13mm)
Jacket: Black PE
Mechanical Specifications
Bend Radius: installation 25.4mm
Bend Radius: repeated 101.6mm
Bending Moment: 0.68Nm
Weight lb/ft 0.10 Kg/M
Tensile Strength 72.6 Kg
Flat Plate Crush: 0.71Kg/mm